Hi Rich
The 64 bit NXT image editor seems awfully slow in the last couple of versions (material channel colour changing) compared to previous - is it working OK ?
Thanks in advance
PS - I do not have 32 bit option selected in support dialog
If you are using the Material channel stuff, then you are using the Image stuff in IRender Batch, rather than the nXt Image Editor itself.
We may have added an additional level of complexity to the display pipeline of the IRender Batch display when we added the Background Wizard, (and earlier when we added other filters). We will check to see if there is anything which is slower than previous versions.
Also, be sure you haven't included Real Time Haze or Depth Blur - both of these could slow dow the process.
Hi Al
No realtime haze or depth blur - I opened existing NXT image through\image editor option in SU
OK we will check out the nXtImageEditor.exe to see if it has gotten slower.
Do you want to send us a .nXtImage file so we can try it on the current version and on some older versions?
Hi Al
I have uploaded NXT test file via yousendit
Thanks this is sure slow.
What was the resolution of the rendering?
We are going to try to make a .nXtImage file the same size and with the same number of lighting channels in an older version (about 6 mos) of IRender nXt, and in the current version, to see if it has gotten slower.
I am also asking Roy to take a look to see if he can spot anything.
4000x2000 (panorama)
I will also upload model
Thanks - that will help.
Roy thinks we has a fix for this, but won't be able to implement it until January.
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