
I look forward to testing your new tweaks in the latest rev. But I would ask (begging, grovelling on my knees, willing to donate my first born child) that you add an "Are you sure you wish to close" when rendering. OR remove the ESCape key from closing this window.

I have raised this issue in the past. And common sense says that any operation that can potentially take hours, should have an "are you sure" question to it. In this case, I was just about to finish rendering a movie that took over 140 hours. It had 9 hours to go and BAM! there's a week's worth of rendering down the drain. So with a tear in my eye, I started the animation again.

A few other "wishes" that I am sure other users will appreciate if you add this feature... I would also stick in a "don't ask me again" checkbox so users that like the current behaviour can very easily revert to it. And I wouldn't write the code for all close scenarios. For example, if the rendering is completed and the user saves something, then I wouldn't ask. But if a render completes, and nothing was ever saved, then it should ask.

Or the very simple approach is to remove the ESCape key which is the one that always catches me.



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I agree - it would be nice to wrn people if the rendering is not finished or not saved.

In addition to ESC, there is Alt-F4 and of course the X at the upper right.

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