I am a researcher and I use Sketchup Pro for creating the BIM of a building. I am looking for an application to link sketchup with database where I will store the attributes of the objects. Actually I would like to integrate in some way the Room Data Sheet data into Sketch up that would be useful for Facilities Management.

I might find rpreports kind of useful, but I cannot find any link for downloading or buying.

Could you please advise me regarding this issue?

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RpReports has been replaced by SpaceDesign

It can output the report to a CSV file which you can then import into your database.

But it does not have a "live" SQL link yet.

Give it a try and let us know what you would like to add in order to better interface to your database.



I am looking for a live SQL link as well, since I also want to integrate the Room Data Sheet into SketchUp.


''....But it does not have a "live" SQL link yet...''

Are you planning to set up a direct link to database?




I'll second this request.

Ability to link a live database to SketchUp data would be VERY useful.

eg ODBC complient database such as MS Access or MySQL.


Howard L'

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