Further Space Design Enhancement Requests - Attributing - Speeding Up


Bug ???

When creating a Report Settings File (*.sds), I've noticed that the following don't get saved to the file:

Attributes Tab "CSV" (Report always defaults to PDF)

Setup Tab "Selected Entities Only" (can't be saved).


When you get time could you please have a look at this and fix. Its an easy workaround to manually change this each time you generate a report but it would be much better if these 2 choices could be saved with the *.sds file / *.skp file - especially now as you've added the "R" button to generate a report quickly (very useful by the way).


Enhancement Requests - Editing / Populating Attributes - Speeding Up


Speeding up of Attribute Population would be really good - currently a bit slow, a few ideas:


Ability to select several groups / components and populate attributes all at once - this would be a great help.


Ability to select groups / components without having to close Edit Attributes Dialog box each time - this is quite time consuming.


Ability to have Space Design Attributes Dialog Saved to the SketchUp user defined Shortcuts.

Currently, Attribute Dialog Box is on a Right Click only. If Space Design Menu was also found at Plugins - Space Design - Edit Attributes, users could define a keyboard shortcut - this would speed up attribute population.



Howard L'





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