What I wished answers to is the HDRi positioning feature. I viewed the instructional video and I like the feature. So now I tried to do the same thing with one of my models. I imported the sjy background from disk and rotated it to where I wanted it and get this far:


Then I click on the layer wizard and model appears but not the sky image as follows:

Pressed make HDRi Visible button but nothing changes.

So I press the render button anyhow, and rendered the image. So what doesn’t work for me is the fine tuning of the HDRi image positioning.


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At first glance, your rendered image (#3) seems to match the HDRi positioning image (#1)

Remember that there is no way to alter the horizon in a 360 degree HDRi

The reason the HDRi probably did not work in the Background Wizard, is that you have to render the image with HDRI first - before you try to use the background wizard. (I think?)

We won't be able to look at this much until Wednesday or so because Rich and I are off to the SketchUp basecamp.

Thanks Al, that was the problem.  One has to render once first, and the sky image will appear in the Layer Wizard. I also tested what you said about the horizon not being adjustable; only movements left or right are possible.  Very useful video and excellent help.


Glad you got attached to the forum as well.

Sometime, when we get a chance we hope to write some HDRi editing software.

e.g. raise the HDRi Horizon up 10 degrees, (or lower it). I know it isn't correct, but sometimes it would give you the backgrund you are looking for - like when you just want sky - but the HDRi has hills and mountains.

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