had sent you two emails over the past few days, can only assume your not getting as you guys are ussually quite responsive. I can't upload the file or the image due to the proprietary nature of the client/design, however it was sent to you. Have had no success in creating a sign box that sits on the wall and get the jpg graphic that is inserted glow. Was able to do that in the past somehow, but its just not working. Tried the graphic as a texture, image, self glow etc.etc. Sent you the graphic as well. Urgently need your help
I didn't get around to any support items yesterday, but I will take a look today.
I will take a look at the model you sent privately and see if I can suggest anything.
That is not a valid email address. Did you find it somewhere on our site?
(If so, I will try to remove it)
Send the model to
I created a similar model and placed a green sign in it (because we cannot use your model) (attached)
It seemed to work pretty well, and it looks like you used lighting channels, so I think you must have tried some of these things.
Perhaps you can create a non-proprtitary sign similar to yours, and/or change the model a bit to make it more like yours, so we can see better what is failing for you.
Original Rendering:
Applying .20 self glow to material
Using Lighting Channels to brighten the sign
ok, so I tested it out and your model of course worked. A couple of points for clarification. You are using a texture instead of an image - is that the way to go? Also, you said you used .20 self glow, I see it as 42 percent...just want to be sure I'm looking at the rigth place. Finally, you adjusted the glow in the channels - assume the self glow slider. My question then is if you have several objects with self glow...are you limited to the one slider?
Finally, can you test the jpg image I gave you - again, due to the proprietary nature, can't put online, but while the green portion does glow, the other colors after adding glow change to a green tint. Could it be the jpg?
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