Hi Al


I know this may be SU8 specific but I cannot find a way of installing both previous beta JI10 and new stable version JI28.I have tried unistalling and reinstalling both twice.I f I just have JI28 installed the dialog loads in SU ok - changing the load settings to auto or not does not seem to make much difference - If I then reinstall the last beta version and restart SU8 the Load irender beta is present in plugins drop down menu but nothing else - its not present in toolbar view menu either. Both sets of data are present in folders in render plus folder in (86) program files - there is a empty renderplus folder in SU8 plugins directory.


I obviously do not want to run both at the same time - just the option to have both installed and a choice option - I cannot install a earlier beta as they do not work in SU8.


I have since reinstalled JI28 after installing JI10 and got the following load error


I have only reinstalled the beta to use image editor as it does not seem to be working in Latest stable version


Any Ideas ?



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Hi Al
I have since uninstalled beta and when I reopened SU8 JI28 stable was present and working - Before uninstalling beta I made a copy of folder and can use the nxt image editor from copy


We'll have to look into this.

However, with the new SU 8 versions, we implemented the SketchUp/Preferences Extension logic. We did this because we cannot dock our toolbar unless it is loaded as SketchUp is loading, so we wanted to make auto_load and SketchUp Extensions the way to select which versions you want to load.

It took us several try to get the loader logic to work.

I think you will be able to have future Beta and Stable versions installed at the same time. We will make sure of this when we create a new Beta version.

In the meantime, your best bet is to rename the IRender_nXt folder or the IRender_nXt_Beta folder in Program Files/Render Plus Systems. If one folder is renamed the other should appear on the plugins menu.

(I see as I am writing this that you already found a similar solution)

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