I am trying to get IRender to work on sketchup 8 but after installation this message comes up: Error Loading File IRender_Nxt_loader.rb
undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass
I installed sk8 and all the IRender nxt product from the combo pack, (also uninstalled sk7 and the old IRender). What am I doing wrong?
Regards: Ásgeir

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Is there a line number on the error?

Does the error occur as you start SketchUp, or as you load IRender from the plugins menu?

If it is when you load it, then start the Ruby console before loading it and send me any messages in the ruby console.
A window opens when I start Sketchup and the message shows in it, this was the whole message. When I go to plugin menu there is no loader, I also tryed to load a single ruby but nothing happens.
Thank you for the reply, regards: Ásgeir

Al Hart said:
Is there a line number on the error?

Does the error occur as you start SketchUp, or as you load IRender from the plugins menu?

If it is when you load it, then start the Ruby console before loading it and send me any messages in the ruby console.
There should have been a line number in the original message.

If you uninstalled IRender nXt from SU 7, you need to reintall it for SU 8. You should intall it one more time from:

At any rate, open the ruby console, and type in (or paste from this email)

load 'IRender_nXt_loader.rb'

and also type in:

load 'Render Plus/Irender_nxt.rb'

and send me the outputs to the ruby console.

(You have to tap enter after each line you type in.
Hello again.
I tryed to install IRender again but had the same problem. In Ruby console I typed in what you told me and this is what was shown:
Error: #
Render Plus/Irender_nxt.rb
Error: #

regards: Ásgeir

Al Hart said:
There should have been a line number in the original message.

If you uninstalled IRender nXt from SU 7, you need to reintall it for SU 8. You should intall it one more time from:

At any rate, open the ruby console, and type in (or paste from this email)

load 'IRender_nXt_loader.rb'

and also type in:

load 'Render Plus/Irender_nxt.rb'

and send me the outputs to the ruby console.

(You have to tap enter after each line you type in.
You need to type in these two things, including the word load and the quote marks:
(You can copy them from this message and paste them into the ruby console)

load 'IRender_nXt_loader.rb'

load 'Render Plus/Irender_nxt.rb'
After uninstalling and installing IRender once again things seem to work just fine right now. I must have made some silly mistake in the process the first 2 time. I want to thank you deeply for the help.
Regards: Ásgeir

Al Hart said:
You need to type in these two things, including the word load and the quote marks:
(You can copy them from this message and paste them into the ruby console)

load 'IRender_nXt_loader.rb'

load 'Render Plus/Irender_nxt.rb'

I'm having the same problem. When I start sketchup, I get this message:


Error Loading File IRender_Nxt_loader.rb
no such file to load -- sketchup.rb


I've uninstalled and reinstalled IRender twice and I get the same error. I was going to try the commands given in the ruby console but I don't have the ruby console. I finally found the console on the net and installed it but it doesn't show up in sketchup or anywhere on my computer.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

there should be a ruby console on the Windows menu at he top of Sketchup.

I have it working now. The problem arrived when I removed another plugin from sketchup. The uninstall program I used uninstall the pluging and everything associated with google sketchup including the .lnk and .exe file of sketchup itself. I had to do a system restore to get all of the files back but sketchup, even though it worked, was still corrupt and no plugin worked within it. I had to reinstall sketchup and then I was able to install IRender. So everything works now - but me!!

Thanks for your help!!



I'm glad things are working again.

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