Marc has graciously uploaded his plant library to share with AccuRender nXt users.  It's available on the plant lib download page.  It includes some very high quality leaf textures as well.  This represents a lot of work on his part.

Also, see the thread on the AccuRender nXt for AutoCAD forum: Marc Chaumier's Plant Library

If you download the plants, you should be able to place them into the same location as the IRender nXt plant library, (e.g. C:\Program Files\Render Plus Systems\Accurender Libraries\nXt_Plants) and use them like any other library plant.

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The plants are great. Thanks for sharing.

I having trouble loading into Ar nXt for Revit. I am able to view each plant in the plant editor, but Ar nXt locks up with a warning. I can cancel back to Revit. Any suggestions?
Rich will have to take a look at this.

What warning message are you getting?
"AccuRender nXt has stopped working. .... "

Does the location of the ArPlants affect the program?
Please look into the problem that I am having. I am unable to load any ArPlant into Accurender nXt for Revit. I am only able to use the basic plant types that are provided with the plant editor. If I edit one of the standard plants, I can use it. but I am unable to save it and reuse it in the future. This problem also exists for the plants that Marc so graciously shared.

Although I am no longer getting an error message, I am not able to use previously saved plants.



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