Hi Al\Rich


To what extent should colour of mirror affect colour of reflection ? in example below the background is affected but the object reflection only has a slight tint compared to strength of colour used. In a recent visual with bright conditions whatever I tried I could not seem to achieve any colour effect.





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Mirror color (like a lamp color) works as a filter. If a mis red, then only the red part of the objects reflected should be colored, everything else should be black.

However, your example is not working.

A colored mirror should work the same as any other colored, reflective material.
(There is nothing special about a mirror - we make a SketchUp material with the proper color and make it reflective. However, you can then change the material or reflection in SketchUp just like you would any other material)

I will check it out.
(Make sure you did not have "clay rendering" set or saturation set to 0 in the tone operator)
I forgot one important thing - Metallic

Metallic objects reflect in the color of the reflective object, non-metallic objects reflect in the color of the object being reflected.

Mirrors should be marked as metallic - to give a result more like this:

I wiill fix the mirrors (and check the Mirror Preset material) to make sure it is marked as metallic.
This is the new "fixed" mirror.

(I guess mirrors do not act as light filters - the red is still reflected as somewhat red.)

thats good I thought I was going colour blind !

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