Hi, I have a quick question. i searched the forums and couldn't find an answer. I am using the arroway materials to do a wood desk. I need to color match the wood color to match the proposed wood desk. The arroway material is too light and needs to be darkened. When I go into the material editor I can change the color to match the RGB from the actual color, but when I click render it always keeps the rendered image the same as the arroway original material. I know there must be something I'm missing, or is it not possibly to alter the arroway image color for rendering purposes.
When I change the color in the material browser the change shows up in Sketchup, just not in the rendered scene. I would love some help on this. Worst case scenario I can use the typical Cherry Wood material in Sketchup and color match that. but the wood grain is not as nice as the arroway materials obviously.
Thanks in advance
The Arroway material is rendered from images provded by Arroway, so we cannot easily change the color of the material.
You may be able to achieve what you want with Material Channels - this is a feature of IRender nXt which lets you adjust the rendered pixels colors of a specific material after rendering. There are some caveats (e.g. it does not chane the colors of reflections of the materials in other objects, and it does not change the color of light reflected from the material) But for minor changes, such as you seem to want, it may work pretty well.
Material Channels Video
See: Material Channels for more information.
Best way is to edit the bitmap in PhotoShop or eq. (make a copy!).
Alternatively, if the full nXt Editor is available to you (you may need to ask Al about this)-- you can Blend the material with a black material to darken it.
Al - Yeah I tried that and I can almost get the color I need but the issue is the desk has a raised glass top (meaning you see a reflection in the foreground). Since the color doesn't get modified in the reflection it only brings attention to it.
Roy - As for changing the bitmap in Photoshop, how would I go about making the edit. I have the image and brought it into photoshop. The issue I have is getting the light wood color to become darker. i can't just use the selection and select similar because it will look splotchy. I wonder if I could use a transparent dark layer to darken the image as a whole. I will try that I guess.
You can use photoshop to edit the colors of the original Arroway images. One of them is the image for the basic appearance of the material. I am not sure if Roy meant to use Photoshop on the Arroway images, or on the final rendered image.
Also, as Roy pointed out, after you create a .ArMaterial from the Arroway material, you can edit the material in the advanced Material editor and use Blend to blend a color into the images supplied by Arroway.
Where is the Blend option once the material is created? I was able to increase the strength of the initial color from.8 to 1 and that made he material show up darker.
I went into Photoshop and altered the final rendering. I just created a layer with a dark rich brown color and set the opacity to 40%. This way you can still see the wood grain come through and the wood is more of a rich brown instead of the pinkish hue it had in the render.
Attached are the 2 images so you can see what I'm talking about. I'm still new to Irender. Also ignore the drab color choices...I am matching everything to the specs down to the carpet tiles I made.
I added your images to your posts to make them easier to see.
Where is the Blend option once the material is created? I was able to increase the strength of the initial color from.8 to 1 and that made he material show up darker.
When you increase the strength from .8 to 1.0 that uses all of the original color of the image, and none of coor on the first tab. If you leave the strength at 0.8, or lower it to 0.6 and change the color on the Main tab to a dark brown, then the material should render darker.
Thanks for adding the photos to the post. Still learning the program and the forum. Love the program and it's capabilities, just tough to learn all the little things that take an image from good to great.
I'll try playing with the color strength and see how that works on the next render of this space. I'm interested to see if it helps much or if just using a layer with opacity is the way to go.
Al Hart said:
I added your images to your posts to make them easier to see.
Where is the Blend option once the material is created? I was able to increase the strength of the initial color from.8 to 1 and that made he material show up darker.
When you increase the strength from .8 to 1.0 that uses all of the original color of the image, and none of coor on the first tab. If you leave the strength at 0.8, or lower it to 0.6 and change the color on the Main tab to a dark brown, then the material should render darker.
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