When I open one of my jpeg renderings in photoshop, the image size reads as 12.5 inches x 5.44 inches at 72 dpi.  When I copy it into one of my layouts (also in photoshop), the image shrinks down to 3 inches x 1.26 inches and I am forced to enlarge it (I want it at least 6 inches wide).  When I enlarge the image, it is horribly distorted and blurry, whereas the original rendering is quite crisp and clean.  I do not understand why it shrinks when I put it in another document in the same program.  I would rather shrink the original rendering down to the size I want because there is a much smaller chance of distortion.  I just cannot figure out why the size changes when I copy and paste within the same program.

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What resolution did you render to? (12.5 x 72 = 900)

If you can, upload the image you are inserting and upload a Photoshop file you want to insert it into and perhaps one of our Photoshop "experts" can help out.

You can create a new, almost empty PhotoShop layout for insertion, and you should save the one with the inserted image which looks bad, so we can all see what we are looking at.

One of my renderings is attached.  I chose "large" for rendering size within irendernxt.  When opened in photoshop the size reads 12.5 x 5.44 inches.  When copied and pasted into ANY photoshop document, it shrinks down to 3 x 1.26 inches and I am forced to enlarge it and it distorts.

The photoshop file is too large to upload and if I flatten it, the images cannot be inspected individually.


Original file when opened in photoshop:

Image after I copy and paste into a new 11x 17 layout in photoshop (noted that image size is referring to document size.  ruler included so you can see how image shrinks.)

Note that your new PhotShop document is 300 DPI. So when you place your 900 pixel image in it, it sets it to 3" wide (3" x 300 DPI = 900 pixels). You probably do not need a 300 DPI Photoshop document.

Try making the Photoshop Document 150DPI, and if you wat the rendered image to be 8" wide, for example, then render it to 8 x 150, or 1200 pixels. Then when you paste it, it will paste ad 8".

Still - it would help if some other Photoshop users joined this thread to offer some help.

Hi I use an old photoshop elements but should be nearly the same

Top image - straight download unchanged pasted into 300dpi A3, the image below that was changed to 300 pixels inch with image resize (did not change size) before pasting, but I notice you have constrain proportions selected and but not resample image which is normally - I choose bicubic smoother, and pasted into same A3, flatten and saved.

I always find PS tends to view quite pixellated but when saved as jpg gets smoothed out.

So, Richcat's main suggestion is to ignore that it looks pixellated when placed in your Photoshop document, but the save the Photoshop document as a JPG image to see if it will look OK when viewed as an image, or printed.

It still looks fuzzy when printed.  I am playing with dpi in photoshop and pixel size in irendernxt right now.  I think I'm close to a solution - will know within the hour.  This has been so helpful.  Thanks!

All of the combined suggestions worked!  I rendered at a higher pixel size and played with the dpi in photoshop and now the renderings look crisp and clean in my project booklet.  Thank you so much, everyone, for your help.

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