I found a problem with the keyboard entries, in the panels with the four arrows as, for example, in the render tab of the Setup Options, for the Depth of field.


I write 1.

I click on the right up arrow once. Result : 1.1

Right up arrow again. Result : 11.1

Right up arrow again. Result : 111.1

Right up arrow again. Result : 1.111.1


Impossible for example to get a number smaller than 1. If I write 0, and right up arrow : results are sequentially 0.1 - 1.1 - 11.1, and so on...


The problem is the same in all the panels from the software (for example in the dimensions of the light fixtures).


Hopefully, Al Hart found the solution !


The problem is in the "International Settings" of the computer.


Here is the answer of Al :

"Check your international number settings.   ISearch for "international" in the start up menu in Windows 7:   Then check the Decimal Symbol and the Digit Grouping Symbol to make sure that they are not both set to period."
So this was the problem : the symbols for decimal symbol and Digit Grouping symbol must be different. On my computer, they were both set to the period.
I changed it in period for decimal symbol and space for Digit grouping symbol, and everything works perfectly now...
Thanks to Al...



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As you noted, the Decimal Symbol and the Digit Grouping Symbol need to be different, or else the formatting of numbers gets confused.


Here is the Windows 7 dialog for International settings:



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