Is there a way for sketch-up to only process what is visible in the render - in other words: the cars & trees that aren't visible in the render are what we are finding slows the renders down? Or do we simply need to be selective & hide those items that aren't going to be visible before starting the render?

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We don't have anything like that yet.

We have avoided it, because sometimes "invisible" items are included in reflections or shadows, lighting, or might add indirect, lighting.

Also, by "invisible"we would mean - not visible on the screen in wire frame mode - we would not mean "behind a wall", behind glass, in a recessed ceiling, etc.


As a first pass, I posted a query on the SketchUp forum to see if anyone has a script to select visible items. If so, then you could select the visible items, and use "Render Selection" to render them.


Select Visible Items


Thanks for all the tips and links to plug-ins.


We have been trying adding more cars & trees/ complexities into the CAD models to see if the rendering ratios are the same (we hadn't been rendering the same thing/ complexity to date to compare apples with apples) - & the CAD rendering process is also relatively slow with more complex objects included.


I think I have got the tools I need now to work through the rendering issues - I just needed to know where to start looking. Thanks for your help.

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