This has happended for a while now, when ever i set a rendering to go all night, and the render page comes up off the screen.  Now, with the latest version, the rendering gets stuck whenever it finishes its passes, whether you stop it early, or allow it to render to the end.  If the green image replaces the red on the render page, i can't do anything.  i cant move the image, save the image, or even close the screen.  i have to open the task manager and end process.

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First, Make sure you have Autosave turned on, so that the last image will be saved somewhere even if things hang up.


We made a change in how seconds were working. I'll make sure that it didn't mess anything up.


Do you have the same problem with shorter renderings, or only very long ones?


If it happens again, when you load the task manager, make sure that the rendering task is not using all of your Ram.

Check the memory tab in the task manager to make sure it looks something like this:


(Make sure the green bar for memory is not all the way to the top)


This is a persistent problem.  The only way to retrieve a finished rendering is to find the auto save file.  Again, this happens every single time I render, and if I stop the rendering early, or allow it to finish its assigned passes, the program locks up and can only be closed through the task manager by ending task.


My memory usage has nothing to do with the problem.  I have a specially built machine specifically for rendering and this has never been a problem before. It is only since the latest update that this started to happen.  It happens with extremely large renderings, or extremely simple one, ie the 2d scale figure in the template when you load sketchup.  I can be doing ten things while I render, or I could have only sketchup and IRender working on the machine.

I'm sorry you are having a problem.


1. Does it fail on every single rendering? FOr example if you create a file with just a single box in it, and render it for just 5 passes, does it fail?


If so, save that .SKP file and send it to us, so we can see if there is anything different about it.


If we can't find anything, then we will send you a special version of there rendering .exe which saves some messages to a file so we can figure out where it is hanging. We may have to go back an forth on this a few times, but we would love to find a fix the problem.

yes, it happens with every rendering in every model I try.  having said that, i don't see what sending the model to you would do, because it doesn't matter what model i try to render.  i would have to send you several models.  Also, last time i sent you a model and included the HDRI file and settings i used, you rendered it without the HDRI and settings, thus not comparing apples to apples, and you were not able to re-produce the problem.


My hours going back and forth are pretty valuable and very billable.  not to mention how much we have to pay for this program every year to get an upgrade that doesn't work.  If you have any ideas about what might have changed in the last update that might have caused this, please let me know.

If you create a small model which fails and send it to us, we can render it here to see if there is something in your setting which is causing a problem. Once you choose certain settings, then they apply to all new models you create - for instance you preference on which rendering engine to use - Packet or Path Tracer.


It is possible that one of these settings is causing a problem.


If you send a model to they we can rule out that the setting are creating a problem, and then we will move on to step 2 - creating a IRenderBatch.exe which write debug messages to a file so we can determine just what it was doing before it hangs.


Be sure to save the model after you start the rendering and before you send it so we will have exactly the settings which were failing. If you are using a background or HDRi sky, deselect them to make sure that everything we need is saved in the small, new model you send us.


It will also help if you send a screen image of the Batch Renderer after it hangs. The progress message at the bottom will show what it did last and give us a starting point.

Again, models and settings that rendered fine minutes before I installed the last update, now stick.  I can re-set to factory default settings and the rendering sticks.  Nothing is new about previously fine models or settings except for the version of I-Render nxt that is rendering the image.


It is not the settings.

It is not my computer.

It is not my model.

Simple and straight forward.  Thank you.

RIch remembered that we had a similar problem where a user had two screens active and the dialog which comes up at the end was being improperly positioned off both screens (We try to remember where dialogs were last move to, and to restore their position the next time a dialog is loaded).


We just tried this where we loaded a dialog, move it onto the second screen, and then flipped the screens in Windows, and we were able to create a condition where we tires to reload the dialog in an impossible position where it simply did not appear, but did hang the system because the dialog was loaded and we could not find it to unlaod it. This may be causing your problem.


1. If you are comfortable using the registry, you can remove the registry folder:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Render Plus Systems\IRender\Dialogs


(This will reset the position of all dialogs)


2. We think it is the notify dialog which comes up when you are done rendering which is causing the problem.


You can uncheck the setting which makes this dialog load on the image tab. We think this just might solve the problem.


3. We are going to create a new version with a button to reset all dialog positions.


4. And we are going to see if we can trap this condition and fix it.


Let us know if #2 fixes your problem.





Oh thank you so much!  I was about to loose sleep over this.  I do have 2 monitors, and I am sure this must be whats happening.


Thanks again!

Problem solved.  I deleted the registry folder and tried another rendering.  a window came up that I haven't seen in a long time, and I'm back to normal. Thanks again.

Adam Brown said:

Oh thank you so much!  I was about to loose sleep over this.  I do have 2 monitors, and I am sure this must be whats happening.


Thanks again!

Here is what we discovered:


In normal dual monitor position, with Screen 1 on the Left and Screen 2 on the right, Windows sets the coordinates of things in the screens in a logical way - 0 is on the left, 1024 is the start of the second screen, and 2047 is the end of the second screen (If each screen is 1024 pixels wide)


When you swap or revers the screens, Screen 1 stays in the same place (with regard to its coordinates), and screen 2 is moved to negative numbers. (UGH!) So we had to fix our  logic to position dialogs to take this into account.


Now that I know what I am looking for, you can see the negative coordinates appear while you are moving the screens in Windows.




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