

I have read from this site that RpSpaceDesign creates report of attributes.

Now I have planned to buy a copy of RpSpaceDesign to work with my DCs.

Before I buy, I am eager to know if this tool is appropriate for my requirements.


I have some dynamic sunroom model consisting of huge number of other dynamic components (in terms of wall panel, door, window, metal frames, roofs etc..). There are similar components used multiple times. Some DCs have other nested DCs inside.


Now I have to generate a sorted and filtered report from where I can see which component is used how many times (counts actually), what are their measurements, what are their total costs, similar results are grouped together etc...

I have seen SU generates report of DCs with each and every components and all their attributes listed separately as .csv file. Sorting this huge data is really embarrassing.


Is 'RpSpaceDesign' capable of creating such a report. Please help me.

Thank you for reading a long post.



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SpaceDesign has a 30 day free trial, so download a copy and give it a try.


You will be able to select just which DC attributes you want to use for the report, and you can decide how far to drill into components.


Give it a try, and then let us know what it did, and did not do correctly for you

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