I would like to set a custom wall sconce to shine in two directions (blue + and -), but ArielVision seems to only let me select one or the other. Omnidirectional would not be appropriate.

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Hi Kristin:

What I do is use two spot lights - one pointing up and the other down.  You might place two, then point each and move them into position.  Does that help?


Thanks. Should have thought of it myself!

Thanks for sharing the model - it is very interesting and I have a much better appreciation of the challenge.  I have some ideas!!!  I'll post a few options as soon as I have anything interesting to show you - but this might take a little time!!!  It's a real - "head scratcher".

Kristin Dzugan said:

Thanks. Should have thought of it myself!
Intriguing .... Can I help.
I tried to upload the skp file to the forum, but kept getting error messages. I emailed the file to Russell, and perhaps he would be able to link it to the post.

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