Space Design Reports - More control over formatting

Dear Al,

Below is my list of small improvements / suggestions to the Space Design Report sheet.
1. Page size based on 'Default Printer' paper sizes (A2, A1, A0) etc.
2. Heading 'Font' could have Align LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER
3. 'Introduction Comments' could have Align LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER
4. Caption to be more than one to accommodate more info controlled separately:
- Job Number: XXXX (Font + Edit + Align LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER)
- Date: DD/MM/YYYY (Font + Edit + Align LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER)
- Time: HH/MM
- Revision: X (Font + Edit + Align LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER)
- Revised by: Xxxx Yyyyy (Font + Edit + Align LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER)


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We do offer 4 pages sizes. Which additional ones would you like us to add. Or did you mean that we should see if we can get sizes available for the current printer and display those instead?

My default printer displays a these page sizes:

I could try to access them from the printer, or we could just add a couple more to our list.

Dear Al,

I would like to see three more on your predefined list:

A2, A1 and A3 (metric because of Europe).



A0 1189 x 841 mm 46.8 x 33.1 in
A1 841 x 594 mm 33.1 x 23.4 in
A2 594 x 420 mm 23.4 x 16.5 in

How about this for the Job data:

1. We replace each of the text areas with a Wordpad like edit window - so you can specify font, color, and justification of the text.

2. We already have %xxx% replacements for SKP file name, scene name and date. We could add a few more, such as:


This would work pretty well.

There are a couple of things WordPad allows which we would not allow - such as inserting images

And we would have one of the limitations  WordPad already has: You cannot have right justified and left justified text on the same line.

Here is a sample of some WordPad formatting:

Dear Al,

Thank you for the reply - I like what I see above.

1. In our case the font, color, and justification of the text is good enough.

2. We don't need any extra images. The option to place Logo is fine with us, but I can see that some people would prefer to add the Client's Logo as well.

Normally we would keep any text to the Left and our Logo - Right Top Corner.

3. I appreciate the fact that you can have the SKP file name, scene etc - I use them in our testing.

4. We need the Time to trace ongoing changes / updates of any documents.

5. It would be useful to have one cell/line for Client's Name and Address.

6. I assume that the Heading, Caption and Trailer could be controlled/aligned as well.

7. At the same time we understand that you need individual lines to control the alignment and for that reason it would be useful to have 1 or 2 spare lines for unspecified input.

PS. Is it possible to number the pages of The Report - Page X of Y ?



We are rewriting the text area input for Space Design to all be RTF (Rich Text) edit boxes. (RTF is like the format used in WordPad)

This will let you set the color, font, bold, etc. of each item in the text.

Here is a sample of text pasted from Word into the RTF efit area:

We estimate that it will take 2 to 3 weeks to get this completed.

Wait until this is ready, and then we can discuss other ways to improve the text areas in the reports.

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