
I have a problem with some objects like these chairs where feet are rendered with the inside color of the tube.

What is strange also is these 4 chairs are a copy of the same component of course but only 2 of them are not well rendered.




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Try to create a small model we can test.

Copy two chairs - one what works and one that doesn't work to the clipboard using SkecthUp, and paste them into a new model. If they still fail, upload the new model and we will take a look. (There is a Upload Files link below the input text area as you add a reply to this thread)


If that doesn't work, then try removing as much geometry as you can in such a way that things still fail, so we can get a small test model.

Hi Al,

It seems Add Reply button doesn't work when I attach a file. Is there any problem with forum server at the moment?



I'll try uploading a .SKP file:


[Edit: it seems to work. Can you try again? and/or can someone else (who is not a forum administrator) try uploading a file to a new reply?




So I try to upload a 353kb file and the Add Reply is cycling for ever !?!

just test

I will upload a 400kb model and see what happens.


[Edit: the large model 534KB did work me. If you continue to have problems, use the Upload button on the tabs at the top of the forum to send it to us directly. Be sure to include a comment so we will know what it is when we receive it.]


[I deleted the large model after uploading it]

Still doesn't work, I'm using Firefox 4.0b7

I upload it directly

Hello Al,


did you get my model via yousendit?




I have not received it. Did it appear to upload properly?


Can you try again?

Hello Al,

I just uploaded the file using the Uploads menu. the file is named test-chaises-IRender.skp.


I still didn't get it from YouSendIt.

Try sending it by email to support@renderplus.com

lol, really I'm very confused, I really can't understand! ok, try to email it :(


Ok, it's done




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