
I have a problem with some objects like these chairs where feet are rendered with the inside color of the tube.

What is strange also is these 4 chairs are a copy of the same component of course but only 2 of them are not well rendered.




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[Edit: We did receive the model by email]


I don't know why your model is not being sent by YouSendIt. You would have to watch their messages carefully and/or wee if there is a way for you to get the status or URL for your own upload.


I received models from two other people using YouSentIt while I was unable to receive your model.


Lets see if I get the email.


If this doesn't work you may have to ZIP up the model before uploading it or sending it. Perhaps it contains something which looks like a virus or something, which is prevening you from uploading it.

The chair displaying in the wrong material has been mirrored in the X-direction. We are not applying the materials properly to the mirrored faces. (We need to fix this)


Long Explanation: The chair leg is in a group with the material "Color_I01", however the leg itself is a Surfac with material "Color_D04". Since the inside of the surface is in the default color, it picks up its color from the group - evn though it is not visible - so we put out a face in Color_D04 for the outside of the leg surface, and put out another face with Color_I01 for the inside of the surface (We do not know that the inside is not visible). We are getting these two faces mixed up for the mirrored component.


A quick fix for now, is to set "Process 2-sided faces" to "Never".


If that doesn't work you could place material Color_D04 on the inside of the surface (reverse faces, apply material, and reverse faces again), or remove the color from the group.



Ok Al,

I understand and in fact I fixed the problem by applying the color inside. And ok, the "Process 2-sided faces" to "Never" also works. Thanks Alain

We'll fix this is a later version. Just glad to have things working for you.

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