Why Is Getting Started with AccuRender nXt for Revit Not Updated

Why Is Getting Started with AccuRender nXt for Revit Not Updated?

It makes using it difficult at best.

I last used Accurender 4 with AutoCad 2010 and AccuRender nXt for Revit 2010

I found it a better renderer than Revit's inbuilt renderer. And have heard it is now not only better but also faster. I currently use Revit 2018 and Revit 2020 and have downloaded the trial version but the Getting Started page still makes reference to Revit 2009 and 2013.

I can't get my Principal interested in the software because he is convinced that it is not adequately supported.

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We are behind on updating the nXtRender for Revit documentation, for which we apologize.  Please email support@renderplus.com with any specific questions you have about the latest version and you'll always receive a response. I think you'll find we provide excellent support, so your Principal needn't be concerned.

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