
I think I already told about this feature, I render on a laptop, this is maybe not the most used computer for this job but I suppose, in some circumstances, desktop PC users can have the same problem.

I had few times to stop a rendering to be able to stop my computer. For a laptop of course, it's understandable. But as it's very difficult to guess how long a rendering will take, it's difficult to be sure that you will have enough time to complete it, even if you start it for a night.

So, would it be possible to record a render in progress to complete it later?


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There is currently no way to stop an image, shut down the IRender Batch window, or the computer and then continue it later.

Yes, actually it's not but could it be a future feature?

I am not sure that we will be able to get "save, reload and restart rendering" working for Packet Mode. We can probably write it easily for Engine 4.

In a similar thread,


I pointed out that with the Path Tracer, or with Engine 4, you can render a scene, save it as a nXtImage file, then start the whole rendering over later, save it as a separate nXtImage file and then simply merge them in the nXtImage editor. (We could automate that process - saving a nXtImage of the first rendering, and then combining it with the continued rendering later)

The way these engines work is that every pass and every rendering is individual, and not based on other passes. So that just merging two 100 pass images is the same a rendering a 200 pass image.

In that thread Boothy pointed out the he prefers the Packet Mode Engine because he gets his results faster.

Cloud Rendering

We are also working on technology to let you pass large renderings off to a Rendering Farm in the "Cloud". It looks like the processing for this will be reasonable for jobs which would normally take 12 hours or more.

Looking at pricing that others have for Cloud Rendering Farms, it looks like you will be able to complete a 24 hour rendering in about 45 minutes for a cost of about $15.00 by splitting it up between cloud processors. (Hopefully we will be able to achieve a similar cost/capability ratio)

Interesting infos.

Using Path Tracer or Engine 4 is certainly not the most popular situation as, according to some discussions on this desk, they are really interesting on some specific situations and very very long without a drastically better result on most case.

Anyway, it's interesting to know we can render a scene in several times, but in that case, we have to know, at the begining, that we won't have enough time to complete it in one time....

Rendering farm is certainly the best choice, for those have several computers available and equiped to render.

Cloud Rendering may be interesting for very large models where our PC are not really able to do the job.


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