I am using the demo version and am having problems with medium sized renders. The render stops about half way through. This happens intermittently and never if the render is small. These renders are not all that big, about 2000 by 1200 pixels. Please let me know how to fix this or if I should expect this problem from the software.


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Hi John

Another quickie - the animation facilty does not work with 2 point perspective

Well yes and no.

Here, using photoshop, I have overlayed the line image export from sketchup on top of the render. The verticals remain but the scale and position are not the same. One of the great features of skecthup is that all the image exports from a scene will have the exact composition. What you see is what you get

Al Hart said:
It would be nice if it could keep the two point perspectives from sketchup.

Two point perspective should be processed properly.

If they are not, send us another small model to test it.

Here is a quick sample of rendering a 2 pt perspective from SketchUp

IN you example, did you set the Render Image Size to "SketchUp".
(It is not to SketchUp in the image below)

If you are rendering to a different size, then they will not be precisely the same.

Hi Al,

Yes, I set it to the same pixel dimension as the screen for both. It is a little hard to see but the two images are lined up at the edges. I suppose that it may work if you don't use the pan and zoom to recompose the scene in sketchup, but that is what I usually do to get the scene the way I want it.


Al Hart said:
IN you example, did you set the Render Image Size to "SketchUp".
(It is not to SketchUp in the image below)

If you are rendering to a different size, then they will not be precisely the same.

I moved the 2Pt Perspective and Edge lines discussion to another thread:


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