Hi Al


I have noticed there has not been a new beta for quite a while - they usually come thick and fast - have you changed your policy \development citeria regarding beta uploads ?



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We have been working on an AutoCAD product - ProjectRender.

Designed for Office Furniture dealers who want to make quick renderings of their furniture layouts. It has two main features.

1. You can assign different texture, colors or materials to the same layer in two instances of the same block. Furniture layouts often use the same block for items in a model - especially tiled panels - and then want to change the color without "freezing" the blocks, or making them unique. (If they change the blocks then the furniture will not report properly). In the example below the top level and second level of panels would be the same block name, but render in different colors.

2. We added a special background mode, called "adjust to horizon". In this mode, a background image is adjusted so that the Horizon in the image is aligned with the horizon in the rendered view. FOr this to work, you need to create a background image with the horizon in the center, and we will scale and offset the image, automatically, so that the vertical center of the image aligns with the horizon in the rendered image.

Not a big deal, but it makes it easy to align background images with the3 view outside of office windows. This will be in the next release of IRender nXt as well.

Here is a background image with the horizon in the center.

Also, Rich and I were at two trade shows, and Rich is now on vacation - so new releases of IRender nXt have been help up a bit.
Thanks for that

I was just curious - I am in no rush - I also have been mega busy and do not have much time to play at the moment


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