Our renderings are taking too long, so I have decided to buy a computer.

On the Internet I saw Mark BOXX Technology. Do you believe that this is a good solution ?

Please help me to make the smartest purchase

I want to continue working with your program, but the computers we have are very slow, the configuration is as follows:

NVIDIA Quadro 4500

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You don't mention whether your existing computer has a  32 or 64 bit operating system.

I am not familiar with Mark BOXX.

64 bits with at least 4GB of RAM is best.

Get as many cores as you can afford. (You currently have 2)

Does anyone else have a recommendation?


Carlo Di Matteo said:


THIS IS THE LINK http://boxxtech.com/index.asp

The Dual processor, 12-core total, RenderBOXX at 2.4 GHZ would be 5 times fraster than your current 2-core 2.8GHZ machine.

But I can't get information about what it costs without sending them my email address.


I use a Quad core (Intel Core i5) machine with a 64bit windows 7 home premium OS.

It only has 3Gb Ram but has very acceptable render times.As has been mentioned before on these forums, the graphics card is not an issue - it's all about processor performance, the more cores the better.

A neat trick in irenderNXT is I can assign 3 of my cores to the render and leave a core free to use when the render is happening in the background.

Mine was not an expensive machine ( £450 , 450GBP) from a high street computer store in the UK.

My advice would be go for the best deal you can get on a machine with the most cores your budget will run to !



Are there plans to utilize GPUs for rendering? Wouldn't that bring A LOT?


We are looking into this. But don't have any specific plans yet.

Chris Traxler said:

Are there plans to utilize GPUs for rendering? Wouldn't that bring A LOT?


no GPU rendering ???? And not even thinking about it ???
you must be kidding me? / Us.

NP I'll just take  my .skp models to Blender, Cycles For free.

time to get with the times.

other than that Irender seems to work, It's pretty modular which is very nice!

Thank you, and sorry for the above

I believe my post was "We are looking into this. But don't have any specific plans yet."

That is different than: "And not even thinking about it"

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