Hi Al,
in 3D PDF, preview:
file is created which, however, Adobe does not read.

Perhaps it would be better that this file is not generatedI'm doing wrong?

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The Preview button is just to be used to make a PDF quickly, to see what the text and images will look like, without waiting for the extraction of the model and the creation of the U3D model.

It works for me, but I do see a bug that it is checking to see if "Untitled.pdf" exists, where it should be checking to see if "3D_Model_Preview.pdf" exists in your temp directory. I'll fix that.

Is that the error that you're getting? I cannot read your error message well enough from the image to translate it. It's too bad that you cannot grab the text from those error messages.

Hi Rich,
sending photos related to 3D PDF.
I tried to translate the error message from Adobe.
I opened Appdata / roaming.

I'll fix it so that the Preview button does not corrupt the PDF file specified on the dialog, as it does now. That is a bug.

We make those folders for the current drawing when you load the 3D PDF dialog, even if you do not create the PDF. We save the current SketchUp image there and a file with a few settings in it.  When you make the 3D PDF we also save the rest of the files that we need in that folder.

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