Hey Al:


I just downloaded V4..........the background positioning wizard is not there as you show it in your tutorial. Am I missing something here?





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Also, the mouse scroll button should zoom in and out.

Alain Bonnefoy said:

Oups, ok, I just tried redimensionning the window. stupid.

Thanks a lot.

No, I can't duplicate it.

Any chance you could post or send me the model?

Alain Bonnefoy said:

I notice a strange behavior where background image doesn't appear accross a window (KJ10). 

Here is what I'm supposed to see, according to the preview:


I'm going to change the view angle, to see, but, a bit strange

Well, difficult to talk about refraction here!

I suppose I can sendyou the model. the background image is very large (8800x4072) Do you think it could cause such problem?


What you see in the windows is exactly the effect refraction can have. Especially if you have the thick/thin settings for the glass wrong. (thick means the glass has two panes in SketchUp)


Try removing or hiding the glass entirely to see what we see when there is not glass.



Very very thick in that case, it's most a lenz than a glass.

I don't really trust you, and my glass seems to be set to thin.

And about refraction, maybe the opened window should distort the image differently, I suppose.

That's strange I never saw such problem but in fact I wonder if I already had a part of the background image directly visible.

Anyway, for me, refraction effect cannot explain a so big "zoom" result.


Like I said, I couldn't duplicate it here, playing around with refraction, thin, thick, etc.

Could you send me the model and the image?


Did you try removing the glass to see if the glass was causing the distortion, or if there was a problem with the background image.

Rich, you should have received the model and the image via yousendit. Did you get it?

Al, Sure the problem is caused by the glasses. If you look at the opened window or beside the model, you can see the original image.

Another strange thing, it seems the image is displayed differently through the door's glass.


Rich Hart said:

Like I said, I couldn't duplicate it here, playing around with refraction, thin, thick, etc.

Could you send me the model and the image?


Strange! I get it with a very simple test case, but I encounter an error everytime I try to upload files. I wanted to send you the sketchup model. I give it to you via email.

Thanks for sending the model and the image.

Unfortunately, I don't see the shifting of the background that you get, my images look pretty much the same in both the Rendering window and the Background Preview window, so I'm still stumped. I don't really see any problem in the image you posted in reply right above either though, or am I missing something?

My preview:

My rendering:


Don't know if it could explain the proble but do you use the 64 bits version? on 7?


I've installed back KH19, no problem.

Then I reinstalled KJ13 ..... problem solved!

Sorry, something bad during last instal!!

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