

I have a problem with both iRender nXt KC26 and KH19 where the rotation parameter for cylindrical and spherical projections has no effect.


Do you confirm?




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It does appear to be broken.

I'll look into this.

We posted a fix for this a version KH24.

It can be downloaded at this link:


Very good Rich, I test it immediately

Ok it works,

There are some problems anyway when we want to rerender a scene after a modification in sketchup

Below we see the image is selected but doesn't appear in the dialog nor in the rendering.

There are several things to do, I don't know which ones to get it working finally.


It's really not possible to have the possibility to set at least the scale and why not, the y offset?



In fact Y offset would be the more ineresting one,, scale can be adjusted by enlarging the image but y offset is more difficult to define and in fact I can't adjust it correctly, even with "adjust center to horizon" checked.

In your picture you have Circular Projection selected. The only control we have using Circular or Sphereical is Rotation in the X direction. We can only apply the sclae and offsets when Flat is selected as the Projection type.

For better control of the position of the background, you might want render the model without a background, save it as an alpha-transparent PNG and then place it over the background after rendering in a Paint program.

Ok but it cannot handled image reflexions in that case.


And about the other problem which seems to prevent the bkgd to appear?


That is a good point about the reflections. That does make it valuable to be able to accurately position before starting the rendering.

I guess I don't understand about the background image that doesn't appear in the dialog nor in the rendering.

The only picture above shows am image appearing in both places.

Could you post a picture of what you're seeing, along with a model and image where I could duplicate this?

Or just send the model and image directly to us by email.


Yes, you are right sorry.

I explain more precisely.

So I load my model and select the scene to render, I launch iRender and select the background image.

Then I start the rendering


unfortunetly, no bkgd!

So, I load the setting dialog:

I click on clear, reset (see the Y-Off parameter above) and browse.


Now I get the message in the status bar telling iRender is loading the images. I didn't got it at initially:

Now, the bkgd is here.


It seems I have to clear and reload the bkgd everytime I change something in sketchup or at least maybe I launch iRender from sketchup. 

Some parameter is not correctly resetted.


We have gone through the entire background image process and corrected any problems we could find.

We worked with background offset and scales and discovered that they were very difficult to deal with. (The way a 50% scale and a 50% offset is not obvious, (It does make sense once you nail down the mathematics, but you have to try it, then see if it makes any sense. ) Similarly it is not obvious whether a positive y-offset is going to move the background image up or down.

So we decided that what was needed was a background wizard to let you just drag handles at the corner to position the background as desired. The wizard does show the new offsets and scales in case you want to adjust them numerically)

See: Background Wizard

Next week you should see a new version of IRender nXt which lets you distort the background as well - making it non rectangular - so that you can match up the perspective view in the background  with the perspective in the rendered image.

Cool, I'll try it asap.


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