I have a large background image that I want to turn into an HDRI file. Is that possible?

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I put a Chrome sphere next to Nancy, and made her stand on a plank:

Al Hart said:

I would be interesting to turn off the ground plane, and place a reflective sphere in your model just to see if there are problems with reflections which look up (say on a vehicle) and what appears as you look down - although that would usually be obliterated by the ground plane.
Here is a building I'm working on that I am using the HDRI created from an image. I tried posting the image to this discussion but it was not working. The image converted great and I am very pleased with the quality. You will have to excuse the unfinished build but it still has a long way to go. I will upload the final rendering with the hdri when I am done. Thanks for all the comments they were a lot of help.

It is difficult to include images in posts using iE 9.


Here is your image:


We added a button on our HDRi option dialog to make it easier to import these 360 panoramic images as the current HDRi Sky.

The new version, KH24, with this feature can be downloaded at this link:


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