In the past, as recent as 2012, Renderplus Nxt for Revit provided an option to save the output file as an *.epg whis used as an inout for Piranesi, a 3-D painting program. I was able to successfully render within Revit using the render plus engine with the *.epg output file.

I have searched the nXt app windows repeatedly looking for the option that had previously been available without success.

Is there a way to restore that functionality that has been lost?


Jerry Childers

Views: 387

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nXtImageEditor has stopped working for me recently. The image does not display. No information is available in the dialog boxes. The date of the nXtImageEditor is 4/10/2020. I have copies in two locations. I have tried ipening files by tryint to open a file from nXtImage Editor and by clicking on an image file. Same results. null image. I even tried the steps shown in the image above. No improvement,  null image 

So it runs, but nothing appears, right?

Did you try both C:\Program Files (x86)\ArRevit_nXt\nXtImageEditor64.exe and the 32 bit versions: C:\Program Files (x86)\ArRevit_nXt\nXtImageEditor.exe?

If you use File/Open  from the Image Editor, does it still seem to work, but nothing is shown?

Your response was correct. Btw, I do not know how to maintain the message thread at one location.

I uninstalled the program. I restarted Revit. nXtRevit would not load. I checked the folders where nXt Revit had been installed. nXtRevit had been uninstalled. I rebooted the machine. I checked fo rfiles. they had been deleted.

I reinstalled nXtRevit. I opened Revit. I created a rendering. I saved the rendering for the nXtImage format. I tried to open the file both ways. The Image was void.

I have run out of ideas.

I need help



Could you post a screen shot of what the nXt Image Editor looks like for you. I want to see what you mean by "void". Is it black, or dos nothing show at all.

Also can you send me your nXtImage? You can use this link to send it to us:

I'll see if it loads for me here.

If you need to, you can send the screen shot image of the Image Editor using our uploads page also.


Please find the attached screenshot of the nXtImageEditor screen after loading an *.nXtImage file. It is completeely blank



My thought was to perform a thorough uninstall Accurender nXt for Revit.

I have attempted this, but residual information affecting licensing and configuration remain on the system. This shows up when I try to reinstall using the ""Install_Accurender_nXt_for_Revit_......exe"" after having uninstalled the program using that same program. 

Is there a way to perform a more thorough uninstall?

I am been using version UD07rv.  I thought that if I used the most recent release, perhaps the problem would be rectified with the newest release (WD14). The issue regarding the nXt Image Editor did not change. I restored version UD07rv. 

I looks like it hasn't loaded your nXtImage.

Can you send me your nXtImage,so That I can try it?

You can use this link to send it to us:

As suggested, I forwarded 3 files along with comments a few minutes ago.

Earlier today, I copied the nXtImageEditor, along with support files, and two if the three files to another computer. the same problem persists. 

When opening a file into nXtImage Editor, a notofication quickly flashes indicating that the file is loading, but there is no evidence that the file loaded. Black screen, no values related to mouse movement for pixel location, depth, image, material, etc. This was demonstrated in the screeen shot that I sent previously.

Could the nXtImage Editor be corrupted? This seems unlikely because it opens with no notifications. There was no notice of incompatibility with the files that I tried to open.

Thanks for sending the files.

I was also not able to open your .nXtImage files using the nXT Image Editor in:

   C:\Program Files (x86)\ArRevit_nXt

However, I was able to open them using the version that was in:

   C:\Program Files (x86)\ArRevit_nXt\bin_2011:


Try that version of the Image Editor in the "bin_1011" folder. It is a newer build.

Oddly enough, I could open your files in the older Image Editor if I right clicked on the file and Used the Open As option to open the file after browsing to the nXtUmageEditor_64.exe executable. I'm not sure why that would work,when using File/Open didn't.

In any case, I'll build a new install for AccuRender nXt for Revit That only has the newer version of the Image Editor included.

Will I need to upgrade my subscription to have access?

That solution works. As it turns out, I was using Revit 2011 for most of my rendersings at that time.

I seems that I should be able to rename the existing file names by adding "old" and copying version from bin 2011 into the current version.

Thanks for the catch! 

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