Hi there,

I try to set up my attributes and added them through the wizard, but I can't delete them anymore. I only can get rid of them if I delete them manually in the *.sda file und load it again.

Is there also a possibility to load a default .sda on llaunch of Spacedesign?



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We added that small dialog for Attributes to make SpaceDesign little less imposing for new users. I'll add a Delete Attribute button to that dialog, and I'll also make it a little easier to add a new attribute by pre-checking a few options, and post a  new version.

Meanwhile, you can still delete attributes without editing the .sda file by using the Load Full Wizard button, and using the Delete button ton that dialog, after selecting the attribute. Or, doesn't that work for you for some reason?

In the latest version, there is a Save Project button on the Project tab for Default Attributes and Settings  that will save the project files that will be automatically loaded for each new model. So if your SketchUp template model does not have any SpaceDesign attributes defined, those setting will be used. Have you tried that?

Hi Rich,

I downloaded the latest version LF29spd but couldn't find the project tab in the reports tool. Did I get the latest on or do you have a link for me?



You're right, that tab is not in the LF29 version.

I'll build a new version and post it.

I posted a new version with the Project tab on it, so you can save a default project that will work as a template for new models.

I forgot to add the Delete Attribute button to the new small Attribute dialog. I'll do that soon.

Hi Rich,

thanks for the new release. Now I could delete everything I didn't need.



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