A client got this error:

After having used the Trail period of the Arielvision plugin I purchased a license (great plugin!), but was unable to load the plugin as the trial period had expired. I uninstalled the plugin and downloaded it again for several times, but I keep getting the ‘no DLLs were found in the Waterfall procedure’ error. Could you help me out?

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In some cases after installing GoPro Studio, other applications may report an error that states: "Error at loading if ippSP library - No DLLS were Found in the Waterfall procedure".
If this occurs the solution is to browse to: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and then remove these files:

ippjw7-6 .. 1

I would try that.

Thanks, that was it. I had indeed installed GoPro studio recently.

I have removed the files and the plugin is working again.

The link to the GoPro Studio page that  describes the fix for this is:


Please try that.

Second time I've visited this discussion - first time last August after my first GoPro studio installation, and then again tonight, (to remind me of which folder the syswow64 files where in.) Only left it so long because I thought a fix may have been found - hey ho.

I knew it was a chancy GoPro re-installation and am grateful that I could risk it, knowing that this info was right here.

Once again, very grateful ! Thanks.


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