I bought a new computer yesterday and have been able to download Sketchup but I can't get IRender to download without giving me an error. I'm using Windows 8.1 and have the Sketchup version 16.3.331 64 Bit. The IRender toolbar loads in the model but when I try to render anything, it pops up this error:

IRenderBatch64.exe - Application Error

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc015002). Click OK to close the application."

What could be causing this error and do you know how to resolve it?

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I'm sorry, the error number is 0xc0150002. I missed a zero. 

The rendering executable causing the error is a 64 bit program.

Sometimes the MicroSoft redists that we run during the install do not install correctly for some people.

Could you try right clicking on these 2 redist executables, that end in "x64", and running them as an administrator, to see if you get any errors when they run:

     C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\IRender nXt\redist

If they both run correctly for you, that might fix it.

If that doesn't help, try checking the "Use the 32 bit renderer" check box on the Support dialog and see if that fixes it:


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