Even after selecting an HDRi sky nothing appears in the rendering.  Sometims I get a message saying HDRi is not installed....but not always.  Any help is appreciated.

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So nothing at all appears in the rendering?

Can you post or send us a model so we can try to duplicate this here?

I started with a new model..........a simple box.  I click on an HDRi sky but still nothing.  I am at a loss.

Could you send me the simple drawing that you used?

Try to render it first, and then save it and send it to me.

We save the last setting in the drawing, so I can see what your options are set to.

And I can try to render it here.

Email it to me at rich.hart@renderplus.com


Here you go.  One computer actually says,'HDRi libraries not installed' and wants me to navigate to your site.  The other computer does not do this.

Here is the model

The file that you posted here was a .skb file that hadn't been rendered. When I loaded it and brought up the IRender About dialog I see:

The "Last Rendered" box shows me it wasn't rendered, so I'm not sure it the options are really the ones you used.

I rendered it without changing any options and see the following:

The sky was turned off, so I didn't expect to see any sky but I did see the box in the rendering.

I then turned on the sky, and selected the HDRI sky, and rendered it again and see:

What do you see when you render it?



Thanks for the help.  I was selecting HDRi and expecting it to toggle on the sky.  Once I did that it obviously worked.  Thanks for helping this designer figure out the error of his ways.  LOL.  As I have said before your service sets you apart.  It took awhile but I now believe this will really take off in our office.  A major client saw a rendering useing your product yesterday and loved it!!.

Thanks once again.............I am sure you will hear from me again.

You're right, it should toggle the sky...I think it used to.

We'll look into that.

I am not loseing my mind!  I thought it had done that in past versions. 

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