I need help with controlling file output size.

For a recent project I've had files that are either 22 or 88 MB (u3d file size) for the exact same/nearly same 3d object. There is no noticeable difference in quality and am unable to nail down what is affecting the file size.

I really need to be able to make pdf/u3d files in the 5 to 20 MB range for emailing.

I've tried changing the resolution settings for u3d output and turning off some of the pdf toolbars and view tools before creation but with no luck. I've also moved all textures to solid colors instead of pictures (removing the texture picture link in skup before rendering).

Due to the complexity of the models some parts are 2 sided surfaces (its not worth the geometry hit to model formed sheet copper - both sides of which can be visible) so I have to export 2 sided surfaces in options can't avoid it.

Please provide a guide for what tools directly change output file size.

Also rps tool keeps telling me that I can't out put u3d files with trial even though my version is now paid for (error, cancel error, error reappears etc...) I can export u3d but still get the error if I'm browsing rps options like buttons etc.


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The things that I can think of that affect the U3D file size are:

  • geometry, obviuosly include as few faces as possible
  • 2 sided faces, sending one sided triangles will make it smaller
  • Show Model Layers, not checking this option will reduce the file size a bit
  • Including edge lines, setting this to none will help, since we send 2 or 4 faces for each edge line
  • Setting the U3D Image quality setting to low values help a bit

The edge line setting is the only one that you didn't mention.

I'll have to post a new version without this error about saving the U3D file.

No one must ever use that mode...

I cannot reproduce this now. What version are you running?

Thanks for the fast reply,

Unfortunately I'm stuck with the current models/current geometry they are of artwork (sculptures) my choice to leave parts formed from sheet metals as a double sided surface is the only shortcut I can take right now. Each replicated sculpture varies in size (components/sculptures in this export project are approx. 1.5-2MB each and three are in the drawing).

On a side note does the u3d format take advantage of repeated geometry? like multiple copies of the same component treated as one in terms of file size?

Would exploding all components help with size/speed of export?

I did not have show model layers on in any of the exported files today. (if these are sketchup layers I don't use this feature at present if these are related to groups and components I use these heavily)

No edges were included in the exports either

I did try playing with the u3d image quality settings but they did not seem to make any difference which sub setting would have the most effect?

Also I think (as I look back on files) exported u3d files all came out to be 88MB while the PDFs were all 22MB what is it about the PDF export option that makes this so? Quality of the files seems comparable.

I'm using Sketchup 8 Pro with MD18pb (I am using the trial install with the key activated for full use/access)

??"No one must ever use that mode..." - you mean the .u3d export? its the most useful for me...

Is there any chance your converter will take advantage of multiple cpu cores in the future?

Also is it possible to edit which object tools are available (view, rotate, spin, etc.) from within Acrobat Pro (using v11) or are we stuck with whatever is enabled in rps before export.

Thank you greatly for your assistance

On a side note does the u3d format take advantage of repeated geometry? like multiple copies of the same component treated as one in terms of file size?

We send all faces individually, there in no instancing.

Would exploding all components help with size/speed of export?

I don't think so.

I did not have show model layers on in any of the exported files today. (if these are sketchup layers I don't use this feature at present if these are related to groups and components I use these heavily)

No edges were included in the exports either

I did try playing with the u3d image quality settings but they did not seem to make any difference which sub setting would have the most effect?

I don't really know. They never seemed to have much affect, but we exposed them in case someone was interested in trying them, for things like this.

Also I think (as I look back on files) exported u3d files all came out to be 88MB while the PDFs were all 22MB what is it about the PDF export option that makes this so? Quality of the files seems comparable.

We compress the content in the PDF file. If you place the U3D files in Acrobat, I assume there they will automatically be compressed when you save the PDF.

I'm using Sketchup 8 Pro with MD18pb (I am using the trial install with the key activated for full use/access)

??"No one must ever use that mode..." - you mean the .u3d export? its the most useful for me...

Yes, that's what I meant, saving the U3D files. I thought it was broken, but after I made sure I wasn't in trial mode it worked fine for me on both the machines I use here. What version of RPS 3D PDF are you running?

Is there any chance your converter will take advantage of multiple cpu cores in the future?

I don't think so.

Also is it possible to edit which object tools are available (view, rotate, spin, etc.) from within Acrobat Pro (using v11) or are we stuck with whatever is enabled in rps before export.

Sorry, I don't use Acrobat Pro enough to know what you can do in there, but I assume you can change those preferences.

The version number is MD18pb 2.0

Error is:

Cannot save U3D files in trial mode.

    (VER: MD18pb 2.0 - ZUO - PDMG7530K)     Click More to send message to Support.


     (Error occurred in .\rpr2pdfDlg.cpp line: 2063)

error repeats once to multiple times before going away and almost always comes back when I go to any options screen except: Project, Properties, and Options.

To cause error I must have u3d file type selected on output file name section then simply going to any of the options screens not listed above will trigger the error (selecting pdf and "saving" seems to prevent error from occurring)

After okaying error second dialog box comes up (see attached jpg) to stop repeating error (still might repeat once) I have to select pdf or html then hit the create button. error might come back if so repeating again seems to kill it until I select another options screen.

If on the second dialog box I leave it on u3d and hit create the error continues to loop.

--I do prefer the u3d file format as I create my pdf's from my own templates, AutoCAD, MS office or Photoshop however cutting and pasting the u3d object from your plugin's generated pdf works too.

--So far I've not been able to find a way from within acrobat pro to change what 3d object tools appear (there are some other interesting options). If I figure it out I will pass the information along for any other interested users

Thanks for your patience and straight forward answers! Sorry for some of the haphazard questions.

Sorry picture of second dialog box it attached now


I'll post a new version without any of those warnings.

I posted a new version, MG09, in which saving U3D files is now allowed, and I took out all of the warning messages that you were seeing.

it can be downloaded here:


I've grabbed the update

Thanks for your help

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