What do we need to do to get this? I’ve clicked on you link ‘Create Pdf’, but it does nothing.

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The license dialog opened from the About IRender nXt dialog says "Authorized version". The license button in the PDF wizard says:


Application appl folder not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_PDF\\appl

    (VER: 2.0 KD18p - STEWEDPC - )
         (Error occurred in ..\rps\rps_std.cpp line: 6702)


and then


Cannot open DCL input file: comm_license.dcl (appl: comm) dcl: C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_PDF\appl\comm\dcl\comm_license.dcl

    (VER: 2.0 KD18p - STEWEDPC - )
         (Error occurred in ..\rps\dlg_dcl.cpp line: 125)


There is no directory called appl in  C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_PDF.

Binary Batch Mode - we are removing this - it wasn't really any faster, and it just allows more ways to make mistakes (for the developers)

Any progress on this? I installed KD22 but I still get "xx days left for trial mode" and Preview doesn't work.

Also, selecting Millimeter Units and A4 Page Size places the 3D model way outside (far below) the page.


I'll fix the license dialog and the Preview bug, and the problem that you're seeing with millimeters.

We posted a new version, KD27, with the fix for the U3D position when using metric units, millimeters.

We also removed the License dialog button, since authorization is not necessary when RPS 3D PDF is called from IRender nXt. If you click License and Registration from the Menu bar, you will get a message saying that authorization is not required for IRender nXt.

We also included the necessary files to make PDF Preview work in this version.

Please download and install it from:


Thanks for your help with this.


Thanks Rich. My wizard window still says its in trial mode though.


And the preview PDF says "Created with the trial version of 3D PDF Exporter , 2.0 KD27p, by Render Plus Systems - www.renderplus.com".

Does this mean that the PDF export will stop working for me in 16 days?

The final PDF output doesn't say anything about being created by a trial version.

No, it won't stop working.

I just need to suppress that trial message on the both the dialog and the preview pdf.

I'll fix that in the next version that we post.


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