I trust your summer went well!

Everything is working quite well with your software.

I would like to know how to limit the number of materials that
show-up on your menu. It seems that even when I Have the simplest new
file with only a cabinet door to try materials, I get a list that is very long & hard to wade through!
This list also seems to take a long time to generate the first try and again  if Ichange anything of note in my Revit 2011 file.

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When we show the list of materials from the Control Panel button in Revit, we show all the materials in the project, whether they are used in a family that has actually been placed in the current view or not. Hence, the list can be quite long, even for a new project, since there are so many default familes in the default templates for a new project.

If you are able to use the Purge Unused command to reduce the number of families and materials in the project, then the list of materials that we show will only include the materials that you are using.

That being said, I have had no luck in geting the Purge Unused command to work for me in Revit 2012 with just a single desk placed in the drawing. If anyone has any tips for using Purge Unused, please let me know.

The material list that we show from the Materials button in the our rendering window only shows the materials used in the rendering, so it is much shorter.

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