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I am now trying to batch render on a remote machine.  If I understand correctly, the IRender program does not have to be authorized on that machine, but it will not run the batch. 

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But on my model, it counts the entities, and 'write the geometry' all the way to 99% (i guess it goes to 100% but I don't see it) ... instead I get that error message. After an hour of waiting!

It looks to us like you've passed some maximum size that we can render.

We save all that data for files outside of SketchUp, to get past memory problems that we ran into when we did everything inside of SketchUp.

We were not aware that there could still be problems with reading large amounts of data, but obviously there are.

The quick answer for you is to make more model smaller. Hopefully, there are entities in the model that you don't need for the rendering. Can you hide things that don't appear in the rendering? Or use less complex components to represent things?

Is this a model that you can send us for testing?

Figures. Leave it to me. My fellow students are rendering just fine, but I'm a bit of a geek and tend to outdo myself, ie make bigger, more complex models. Here's another error message I just got, fyi. Hit the render button again after the little test model thing worked. It's having trouble locating .skb files also in the last day or so. I'm switching machines a lot ... working back and forth on laptop and desktop depending on where I'm working. I'm not sure what they are or what they do, but it doesn't seem to be causing me a problem with my model. Could affect the render though, although I know this is not the main cause of the problem since it's only in the last day or so.

I'll try to upload or send my file via Yousend it. I may try cutting it into sections just for rendering purposes and see if that works. Beats the alternative.

Rich, I sent you my model in a .zip file ... it just finished uploading. It's called Mashed Potato 28. I'll be anxious to see if it renders for you. I only have 1 scene in there to save space, called "Window Seating".

I get the same error that you are getting, "Invalid File Handle..." while reading batch_file.txt.

I can open the batch_file.txt file with WordPad, bit it's just to large for us to open and read the data from it.

We will have to consider adding some code to save this data in smaller files, that we could read one at a time, but I still think that it will be too much data to render effectively.

This model has 9,851,636 triangles in it that need to be rendered, almost 10 million. To start bouncing lights around on all those triangles would just take forever.

Wow, ok. And yet for Interior Design, this is not unusual at all. I have to work on using lower quality image formats and compacting my components I guess. Thank you so much for hanging in there with me! iRender was my renderer of choice, but at least I know to move on for the moment. Still, I may try moving what I need for a single scene into a brand new file and see if that works. And I will be watching to see if anything changes on the programming end to handle that. Someone has to... eventually. Thanks a million Rich!!

Rich ... does it help iRender if I have things on layers and turn off what I don't need when rendering? Or, does it take everything into consideration anyway?? I'm going to try to make my file more efficient and see if that helps. I also want to teach a class on sketchup/rendering after I graduate next semester and want to teach others the same efficiency ... for obvious reasons. (PS ... it helps to know I can get the programing answers/help I need if recommending a program, so that's a huge plus for iRender right now!! Thank  you!) The main thing I'm doing right now is working on more efficient groups/components. I know there is a huge waste there in my model and changing a few things might help a lot. Will let you know if I can get it to work after that!!

Yes, putting unseen geometry in layers that are turned off will help.

It will still take about as long to loop through and extract the geometry to render, but the resulting batch_file.txt saved will be smaller, and hopefully have a better chance of being processed by the renderer.

Great. Thanks. I've been working on making my model smaller this am. Turns out it's not so much the group/component thing as it is the large texture files I was using. You can't tell the difference between the high and low res one's, so I'm changing to that. I've already got it town from 51,000 kb to 45,000 kb. But I also rebuilt the walls and floors and am going to try to import the furniture, etc. from my original and see how that works. Maybe by simplifying and cleaning up the perimeter, it will reduce as well. Worse case scenario, at this point, I'll import it room by room (putting it on layers as well) and render it that way. Will let you know if it works.

IT'S RENDERING!!!! OMGosh, I thought I'd never see it, LOL. Right now, the file is at 25,000 kb but I didn't pull all the furniture in yet from the other rooms. I just have my "Window Seating" area going. If I have to do it room by room, that's fine at this point. But it's all nice and neat and everything is on layers, so i suspect I'll be able to just turn off what I don't need and render. Whew!! What a weight off my mind. Thanks for hanging in there with me Rich. I'll have a lot to teach my class if I get the job.


Thanks for the update.

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