

My usual pc is crashed this afternoon, so now I am trying to get my laptop working with sketchup 8.


I got the licens for the combo pack, but I only downloaded the RPtools and the irender nxt, cause that what I need right now.

The Rptool is working allright, but I cant´t get the plugin for the Irender Nxt appearing in sketchup??!!

There are 3 files in the plugin-folder: Irender_nxt.rb, irender_nxt_beta.rb and rptools.rb.

In the extensions it´s okay too, but it is not in the view, toolbar?


What am I doing wrong??




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Sitting here on the other site of the planet (Denmark) in the midtle of the night, with big problems and you got the solution, fantastic!!


I deleted the files in the C:/ Program Files, and the two files in the plugin folder, one in the "plugin-folder" and one in the "Render Plus folder"


Thankyou very much, and I wish you a good day!!





Sorry it took so long, but glad you're back to work!

Long time? no way!

You were a big and fast help!!


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