Hi Rich


Is render farm working in the latest stable\beta versions ? - I have everything set up as per previous setup - renderfarmer and paths set up - The farm monitor indicates that both machines are active but it only seems to assign slice\job to host machine.I have tried on various sizes of models with no success. I have set path within public documents folder which both machines have access to (I have tried manually copying to and from both ) I did also try individual paths to see if this made any difference .Both current test machines are win 7 based. I have also authorised both host and remote render farmers and have both running as the active status should suggest.


Any ideas?





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Thanks for your help. I have it all setup and ready to try. (Fingers crossed)



It must be spring time, cause I am farming!!

Running depends.exe on the nXTFarmMonitor64.exe shows that it's missing 3 DLLs for Visual Studio 2008.

I verified this on our test 64 bit machine.

I then downloaded the vcredist.exe for Visual Studio 2008 from this link:

VS2008 Redist execuable, vcredist.exe

ran it, and then the nXt Farm Motior ran OK.

Try that.

I'll test the RenderFarm now on that machine, and see what that does.

I ran a couple of farm jobs on the test machine and they ran and completed OK.


Hi Rich

Thanks for that - it did fix farm monitor on remote machine.

I still cannot get farmer to work - I think its a permission \security issue between the machines (win 7) having said that I stil cannot get to work on a 32 bit vista machine either. I have noted that if I change folder to remote machine the slice works on that machine and not host - if I set path to host machine the slices are only allocated to host machine - It must be a permissions issue somewhere - but I have changed both security and permissions on both hoist and client still with no luck All machines are on the same network group and there are no other read write issues between computers - do not know what else to do - Any ideas welcome

I am still inputting product code - would that affect it ?



I have also set path for host and remote client to  a third machine on network - the farmer only allocated to the host machine - so I am no wiser - must get back to the day job !




Maybe the monitor is not reporting correctly - I will do another control test and see how longs it takes


Hi Al\Rich

Further thoughts - Before attempting renderfarming I have made sure that all permissions for the common path folder are available to everyone\all relevant users.When the new renderfarm sub folders\files are created (in this case a folder on host machine) all the attributes\permmisions have restricted use on the client machine and this may be why there is no slice allocation to client machine. I do not have enough technical network experience with win 7 to know how to get around this - in earlier versions of windows you could apply attributes\permmissions to all sub folders\files. I am not to sure with windows 7 - I may try later to play with special permissions but I am little in the dark - any ideas?




The newly created folder properties are suggesting that they are `read only`on host machine is this correct ?




The common folder on the network has to be read/write from all machines involved.

Yes it is before I start farming but the subsequent newly created folders created by renderfarmer have not got read\write on client machine .


I am having problems trying to remove read only status of path folder  (I am running as administrator)- whatever I do share or permission wise it its reverting back to read only


There's a note in the render farm documentation that all machines need to be updated:

Updating the Render Farm Software

All participating computers must be updated before a new job can be submitted to the farm. Use the following procedure:

  • Wait for any active farm jobs to complete before beginning your update.
  • For each participating computer:
    1. If the render farm is currently running, close down the Render Farmer by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting Close.
    2. Install the nXt Render Farm Software.
    3. Run the Render Farmer from the Start Menu. The tray icon should appear.

Is there any chance that you haven't done that?

I did the first couple of tests - I may also have other write problems - I will start a fresh




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