
I have a question about how the Light Channels behave. I have 4 lights in my model. I will turn various lights on/off via the check boxes in the Light Channels dlg. Then I'll render (either a still, or an animation). I've noticed that when I turn a light off, the next time I go into the Lighting channel dlg the intensity has been reset to 0.

That kinda defeats the purpose of having a checkbox to turn a light on/off. But more importantly, I now need to remember what that light intensity is. In other words "checking" the checkbox for a light that has 0 intensity does nothing.

So kinda smells like a bug to me. Can you confirm the behaviour?

I render a lot of animations and that might have something to do with it. I will usually go into the setup dlg from the rendering screen when the animation rendering begins. (It asks if you want to stop the rendering). I say no, then go into the Lights tab, and from there into the Light channel Dlg to check the light settings to ensure they are set how I want them.



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Yes - it does seem to be a bug.

We added the checkboxes recently to make it easy to flip a lighting channel on or off, but must not have integrated them into the saved setting properly.

We will add it to our list of things to fix.

Hi Al,

I haven't tested this yet. Was this addressed in LH14? More generally, is there a "what's new/fixed" document somewhere?



We put he list of things we fixed in each release posted here:


when we post the release.

We didn't get to the "lighting channel on or off" bug yet.

Randy S said:

Hi Al,

I haven't tested this yet. Was this addressed in LH14? More generally, is there a "what's new/fixed" document somewhere?



This is fixed and should be fixed in the next version (probably next week)

This is fixed in the latest, lH17, version of IRender nXt

We posted a new build where this is working, at least for me...

Yes, I can confirm this is fixed. ta

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