First, I got several crashes while rotating a hdri image in layers wizard. A big one (17200x7200).
And according to the attached images, you can see that during rendering, hdri image comes in front of a part of the model.

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The problem is the same for bkgd images. It seems there is a distance limit or somethign like that for the model.

Can you send us that model and the HDRi image that you used, to test this?

I though having modified my answer to say that the limit came from my fault; a forgotten section cut. Stupid!

Anyway, you can download the following archive to test the crashes I got while rotating the hdri image in the layers wizard.


hi all,

for some reason my model is not showing in the image layer wizard. not sure why - always used to so i could move the background image around and scale it to fit...any reason for this? the image box is ticked!

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