I've Accurender for both Revit and Autocad. The materials in Explorer for autocad don't show unless I first go thru all of them in Revit nXt which does show them and which then subsequently will show in Autocad nXt for some indeterminate length of time; days, perhaps, until I do something somehow which resets the problem. I'm in Win 7 64 bit. Is there a solution for this problem that is more convenient than redoing materials in Revit in order to work in Autocad? I understand this site now includes Revit and Autocad nXt, but may be wrong about that. Thanks. Bruce

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Trying to reproduce this, I notice that the plastic materials don't have thumbnails embedded in the file, like the carpet materials do, so they the plastics show a thumbnail until you load one and save it again.

Is it just the plastic materials that this is happening for you, or all the materials in the library?

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