Some of the models I create in 3Dpf maker are missing faces although they appear perfectly in SU - please see attached example

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This appears to be a bug that has crept in since we added support for SketchUp 8, where we are not getting the "reverse" side of a face properly when the "Default" material (no material) in on the "front" face that you don't see.

I'll fix this an post a new version, hopefully today.

For now, you can put a material on "Front" side of the faces that are not appearing (the side that you don't see anyway). That seems to fix it.

Or, you can save the model as a SketchUp 7 file, and create the PDF using the stand-alone application, which can make PDFs from .skp files on the disk (for SketchUp 7 and older files). Do get this to work, you'll have to make sure that "Export 2-sided faces" is checked on the Options/Model tab, so that these "Reverse" faces are included.

We uploaded a new version, KDo6, with the fix for this.

You can download it from:

You will still need to check "Export 2-sided faces" on the Options/Model tab before you will see the reverse sides of faces in the 3D model.

The reason for that checkbox is to allow you create the smallest U3D images possible, by constructing your model so that only the front faces were visible to the user, an not exporting both sides of each face. When we always send both the front and reverse faces, the model can be twice as large, and therefore slower to load and navigate.


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