Hey I've been trying to render a model for days now and it keeps getting stuck at extracting or stuck at "start raytracing " i need help I uploaded the model using hightail

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I tried to download the file that you sent us, but was not able to do so.

Perhaps the file name is too long???

From this picture that you posted, I would suspect a SketchUp section plane is being used that is keeping any geometry from displaying. Try setting the option to not use any section planes for the rendering.

Otherwise, try renaming the model and sending it to us again.

Ok i'll do that and get back to you guys because i have to get it sorted

RIch I resent the model

I rendered the latest model you sent in both SketchUp 2014 and SketchUp 2016, and it rendered OK for me. So that did not help me to figure out why you are having problems with this model.

There is one thing more we can try. Afetr you done a rendering of this model, where you did not get anything showing in the render window, use the Save Batch Folder function to zip up the batch folder and send it to us. We can do the rendering from the contents of that folder and see if we get the same results.

Sketchit said:

RIch I resent the model

So i should jus save the batch folder and send it to you?

Yes. Right after you have tried to do a rendering that did not work, so that we know what is in the batch folder is the information that goes with the failed rendering.

Alright im going to do that shortly

the batch folder was sent rich

The render geometry text file in the folder that you sent to us was not complete.

When it is finished, the last line in the file "batch_file.txt" should be a line that looks like this:


The last line in the the "batch_file.txt" that you just sent us is:


That tells me that the computer may have run out of memory while it was saving the data and just stopped. I am surprised that you did not get some kind of error message, though.

I noticed that you are running SketchUp 2014. It may be that you need to start using a 64 bit version of SketchUp 2015 or 2016 so that you don't run into memory problems.

Sketchit said:

the batch folder was sent rich

so your suggestion is upgrading to 2015 or 2016 sketchup? 

Yes, I would at least try it and see if it helps.

It may not help though.

You could try it on a different machine and see if you had better luck rendering using SketchUp 2015 0r 2016.

Sketchit said:

so your suggestion is upgrading to 2015 or 2016 sketchup? 

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