Batch Extractor

The new, fast, Batch Extractor, extracts your SketchUp Geometry directly inside of the IRender Batch window, rather than inside SketchUp using Ruby.

Extract Time Inprovements

Our tests had shown that is is 5, 10 or even 20 times faster for extracting the geometry than our old Ruby extractor. (The bigger the model, the more improvement you will see.)

It is currently available in Beta Test mode in the latest versions of IRender nXt , ArielVision and 3D Design Studio which you can download here Downloads Page.

Improved Extraction Times Only

Your rendering times, (after extraction), will be the same.

But the Batch Extractor can greatly improve the time spent before the rendering passes start.


After downloading the latest version of the SketchUp Extension, bring up the Render Setup Tab, and check "Use external extractor"

Batch Extractor.jpg


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We posted new versions of IRender nXt, ArielVision, and 3D Design Studio, version PJ25, with a few reported bugs fixed in the new extractor:

In this version we:

  • Fixed a z fighting offset for images bug, which was keeping transparent images from appearing properly.
  • Make sure we are offsetting placed images toward the camera eye.
  • Fixed a problem with 24 bit JPEG images
  • Fixed IES light properties in the new extractor.
  • Fixed object property lights color in the new extractor.
  • Added a warning that the new extractor would not work in SketchUp 8 and 13.
  • Fixed images in scaled components
  • Fixed the Show Light Bulbs toggle

Please continue to let us know if you find any problems with the new faster extractor.

We posted a new install, version PJ27, with Ground Covers working in the new extractor.

Please continue to let us know if you find any problems with the new faster extractor.

Starting with the latest version posted PJ07, the new extractor is now the default extractor.

If you install a new version and want to continue to use the legacy Ruby extractor, you can choose to do that by clicking on this box on the Support dialog:

Posted a new version PK16 with a fix for layer changes in animations, when using the new extractor logic.

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