Hi Al\Rih

Last couple of times I have tried copying batch folder to another computer and running it the textures with1 mages maps do not appear (the base colour renders but not the map) - I have copied batch folder to irender folder on remote machine.The texture source drive may be a different letter on remote computer but should the batch tex file include for this or do I need to manually transpose image maps ?




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I think we just fixed that this week.


The "trick", before you get the fix,  is to have the same pathname for the batch file on both machines.


I'll check with Rich to see if he has released a version with the fix yet.

Can you make a small model that fails and post it or send the batch folder to me?

I'll copy it around and see if I can get it to fail.

What version of IRender nXt are you running, on the other machine that you're copying it to?

I ask that because we just recently added the current batch folder to the paths where we look for image files.


Hi Rich

Its midnight here so just going to bed -I am at home so limited on computers - I will try a simple test on Saturday. I did the test at work and therefore cannot check version - will try again later



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