I'm having difficulty with rendering liquids. This is supposed to represent a glass of lemonade. any suggestions? I am attaching a zip file with the SketchUp file so you can see my settings.

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Hi Jorge

A few tips that may help.

Try editing the material to the 'thick glass' preset and change the transparency to 90% in the main tab. This will distort the straw as it enters the lemonade.

Then add some texture to the lemonade material - i used 'rubble' and 'marbled' you will have to play about with the bump scale and strength to get the effect you want. A couple of quick examples attached.

Hope this helps.


Mike   Mesh-3D

Thanks for the help! I'll try and play with it a bit more. I just can't seem to get the lemonade look like lemonade. It seems either too transparent or too cloudy. I've had a bit of success with ice tea but it seems not dark enough then.

Hi Jorge

irenderNXT produces great renders just using the default settings but if you want a special look for a material you have to experiment with the many settings at your disposal within the programme. There are plenty of tutorials to help but you can't beat a bit of experimentation and just 'playing' with the settings.

It's also possible to map an image of lemonade (complete with bubbles) to the face of a cylinder - in conjunction with other settings that could produce some interesting results.

Almost anything is possible with a bit of work.

Good luck




Thanks for the idea of mapping an image. I tried to find an image of lemonade and none really looked like lemonade! Which is kind of interesting because they were pictures of real lemonade! In my searching, I came across some really interesting ice tea images. So I changed the liquid to ice tea! I even added a few ice cubes on top and added an autobump to the image. I think this fits the bill. Thanks again for your help.

And here is the model in place.

Hi Jorge

That looks really good.



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