
I didn't often use it so, I'm not very sure about the problems I found.

Anyway, I think that some things are strange in the last version.

First and I think I already saw that in previous versions, it seems the vue is different if we call the wizard from sketchup or if we call it from iRender wizard as the next images show.

From sketchup:

I don't understand why I don't see all the swimming pool and why it's cutted up by a portion of the background.

From irender wizard.

if you compare with the previous image, you can see that the vertical position of the model is the same.

About "Distorsion" I remember that, in a previous version, handles were appearing to effectively distort the image.

It's no more the case for me. (Seven 64 bits).

It seems the "Clear" button doesn't work.



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It looks like there is a bug in calculating what the image will look like while you are in SketchUp, using the Layer Wizard. I'll look into that. We have to try to show the SketchUp image in a window that matches the rendering window aspect ratio. They obviously are showing different aspect ratios in the images that you posted above.

Distortion only works if you select "Perspective" or "Full" mode set for Distortion, in the lower left radio buttons. Have you tried that?

Yes Rich, I tried Perspective and Full and handles don't appear.


If the "Show only render area" check box is checked, we don't show the handles to distort or move the background image.

That check box was added for users who wanted to save or copy the image they were looking at, without the drag handles. 

Try un-checking that.

Ok that was the problem.

and about the Clear button which doesn't seem to work?

Last thing, when we want to crop the background, or foreground, it's often necessary to see the model. For example about the case related in the swimming pool's topic, unfortunately, the copied or saved image also shows the model. And doing this operation without the model is not really easy.

Maybe I'm wrong but I don't really see a case where seeing the model in the final image could be usefull.

Isn't it possible to exclude the model from the croped image?

To be perfect, I guess it could be very cool to be able to see all layers and to choose if we want to crop background or foreground, and only get the selected croped layer as a result to copy or save.....

We'll have to fix the Clear button.

We could also fix it so that saving the cropped image saves only what you see in the display. We'll consider doing that.

Ok for the clear button but just a precision about the second thing, the feature actually saves what we see.

What I said is that we need to see at least background and model to accuratly crop the background for example.

BUT, in that case, we expect to only save the background and not the model. 

Would it be possible to separate cropping and copying or saving. I mean, we could first, just select the desired area by clicking down and drag the rectangle then, we can disable layers we don't want to keep and only after, clicking on save or copy to keep the desired part of the image. Like that it could be a minor change for you.

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