I have added a texture of bricks which is the correct size (8 bricks high on my wall). However, when I render the image the bricks have grown in size (now 4 bricks to the same wall). I am guessing there is a setting somewhere which I have missed and would appreciate a pointer please.

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Can you post the model, so we can try it?
I can but it is just a 0.6 metre cube.

Rich Hart said:
Can you post the model, so we can try it?

That's great.

Then we could look at the material and the settings, etc.

File attached as requested

The brick material on the cube is called "Brick Red-300mm-Running".

What probably happened is this:

When you placed it, we made a SketchUp material to look like that, with 300mm bricks.

Later, if you edited that material using the Advanced button on our material editor, and change the brick size to 550mm, we don't recreate the Image for the SketchUp material, so the SketchUp image and the rendering image are out of synch.

The SketchUp brick size won't look like the rendered image now, unless you also change the scale on the SketchUp Material to match the new material scale.

Does that make sense?

If you need to have the SketchUp materials look the same as the Rendered material, I would suggest saving the edited nXt material to the disk, probably in your User Material folder with a new name so that it will be easy to find, and then load it again as a new material. Then the Image in SketchUp will be at the correct scale.

Yes I think I see the principle. Thanks very much.

Rich Hart said:

The brick material on the cube is called "Brick Red-300mm-Running".

What probably happened is this:

When you placed it, we made a SketchUp material to look like that, with 300mm bricks.

Later, if you edited that material using the Advanced button on our material editor, and change the brick size to 550mm, we don't recreate the Image for the SketchUp material, so the SketchUp image and the rendering image are out of synch.

The SketchUp brick size won't look like the rendered image now, unless you also change the scale on the SketchUp Material to match the new material scale.

Does that make sense?

If you need to have the SketchUp materials look the same as the Rendered material, I would suggest saving the edited nXt material to the disk, probably in your User Material folder with a new name so that it will be easy to find, and then load it again as a new material. Then the Image in SketchUp will be at the correct scale.

Should this occur if I just change the colour of the brick? I ask because I started from scratch, added a brick texture which rendered correctly. Then I just changed the colour of the base and now the rendered brick has increased in size as before. I understand the original explanation as I was altering the size but surely the colour shouldn't affect the rendered size?

No. that'a bug. I see now that if you just open the material to look at it, it changes the color and the scale.

We'll fix that.

Thanks very much for your help.

Rich Hart said:

No. that'a bug. I see now that if you just open the material to look at it, it changes the color and the scale.

We'll fix that.

We posted a new version, KC23, with a fix for this:

It can be downloaded from this link:



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